10 Changes in Solar Asset Management to Prepare for Now

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Join me for a new article series: “10 Changes in Solar Asset Management to Prepare for Now.” Each week, I’ll explore a big change coming soon to the solar power market and outline what you as an asset or operations manager can do to stay ahead.
Some of these changes will be driven by advances in technology, some by changes in market rules and some by the maturation of the O&M market. Don’t leave money on the table or be caught unprepared. Follow along each week as we cover:
- Bi-facials panels
- Inverter refurbishment
- Ancillary service market
- Module recycling
- Future ownership structure
- Drones and robotics
- Virtual power plants
- Machine learning and AI
- Energy storage
- Performance guarantees
For each topic, we’ll run through the nature of the changes, the risks and opportunities they bring with them and concrete actions you can take to get ready.
As always, I appreciate your feedback and insights.
Steve Hanawalt is executive vice president and co-founder of Power Factors.