Renewable Energy Blog | Power Factors

The 10 Things You Need to Know to De-Risk Wind O&M

Written by Power Factors | Dec 3, 2018 10:51:00 AM

Like my colleague Steve Hanawalt, I will be sharing some tips on how to de-risk your wind O&M strategy. The “lessons learned” come from 20+ years of experiences in the renewable sector, with most of them in wind, and should interest you whether your company self-performs its O&M or works with ISPs or OEMs. I hope you find the ideas valuable and that you will share your thoughts with me.

The topics we will be exploring:

  1. O&M strategies – When to re-question status quo
  2. O&M Workflow – Why it’s so important
  3. Beyond O&M: The Value of Performance follow-ups
  4. Power Upgrades – Yes but….
  5. Availabilities – Why definitions matter….
  6. Life Extension, partial and full repowering, what is best for you…
  7. The big miss: mending communication gaps…
  8. Data is not everything…
  9. The popular topic of AI, ML and Advanced Analytics
  10. Next-generation ops

Francis Pelletier is co-founder of Arista Renewable Energies and now Vice President of the Advanced Analytics group at Power Factors LLC. Francis Pelletier has just received the R.J. Tremplin award for its outstanding contribution to the Canadian wind industry.